Repatriation with Medical Escort

At EMS, we understand how stressful it can be when a loved one abroad requires medical assistance. Language barriers, being far away from family, and uncertainty can worsen the situation. That's why EMS offers travel with medical escort as a solution.

If the patient is fit enough to travel - with or without special accommodations - our medical professionals accompany them to provide the best care en route. This includes the necessary medication and equipment to keep the patient comfortable and safe.

Medical Escort

Flying back in different classes with Medical Escort

In non-life-threatening situations, this is a safe and cost-effective method of repatriation. Depending on the needs and situation, transport can be in first class, business class, or with a stretcher in economy class. All options are negotiable and we work with the doctors from EMS to see what the best option is for a patient.

First Class

For privacy and luxury during a long intercontinental flight. The first class cabin offers a comfortable environment with a bed, where, shielded from other passengers, our team can take care of you. We of course also take care of communication and settlement with the airline and the appropriate wheelchair service to and from the cabin.

FC 2

Business Class

We prefer to fly business class for medical escort on scheduled flights. We turn a seat into a bed, providing space to deliver the right care during the flight. For this, the patient must be able to sit during takeoff and landing. Here too, we arrange wheelchair service to and from the seat.



For patients who cannot sit during takeoff and landing, we use a stretcher. This is placed in economy class, over 6 or 9 seats depending on the aircraft. Here too, we take care of all formalities, transportation to and from the aircraft, and as comfortable a transport as possible.


Do you have any questions about which option is the best one for you? Please contact us.

Why choose a flight with Medical Escort


Patient transport via a scheduled flight is faster than transport by road ambulance.


There is no distance limit for medical escort, so we can bring patients home from any corner of the world.


Using a commercial flight for patient transport is more cost-effective than a Private Jet or Air Ambulance, especially for long distances.

A reliable partner in difficult situations

If repatriation with a medical escort is the right choice for the patient's situation, we arrange a flight home as quickly as possible. We also take care of all the details, from ambulance transport to the aircraft, medication, painkillers, to a comfortable position or extra oxygen. We also arrange ambulance transport to your home or the hospital of choice, where we ensure everyone is on standby.

We are your partner who not only transports the patient from A to B but supports you in uncertain times and takes actions off your hands. Our multilingual team is ready to assist you and answer your questions, keeping you informed and reassured.

We are there for you 24/7

We offer round-the-clock support and keep you continuously informed about the repatriation, so you always know where your loved one is and how they are doing.

Do you need urgent repatriation with medical escort? Or do you want to know what the options are? We are ready for you. Contact us today to start the repatriation process.

Gerrit Leonard Vrieze